Posts in life
coffee with a creative: noah

This week’s guest on Coffee with a Creative is an old friend of mine, Noah Clark. By old, I mean that we’ve seen each other during our most awkward days. I suppose that is what makes our friendship so wonderful though--we’ve seen our growth and get excited for each other whenever we’ve accomplished a goal of ours. There is something very special about having a friendship like this. So it is an absolute pleasure to introduce you to Noah, an aspiring screenwriter, and let you all witness his greatness.

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coffee with a creative: amanda

Although creative in many ways, Amanda’s heart and soul reside in her love of books and writing. A twenty-six-year-old New Jersey native, she has had the opportunity to view the world through so many different lenses because of her passion for storytelling and everything that encompasses it. She received her bachelor's degree in creative writing and has since worked as a writer on multiple different platforms.

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coffee with a creative: channette

Chan is what you could call a multifaceted creative, although she has a specific focus on the video format (Youtube and TikTok). It makes perfect sense if you know Chan and how incredibly charismatic and full of life she is. In front of a camera, she commands the screen and makes you fall in love with her over and over again. She truly is so special. Not only to me but also to the Youtube and TikTok community, specifically the LGBTQ+ and Latina communities. As a proud lesbian that was born and raised in Puerto Rico, Chan can help so many people understand how they are feeling and learn how to be proud of their heritage and their identity.

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coffee with a creative: ajaila

A force to be reckoned with and an appetite for all moody aesthetics, Jai has shown so many people across the globe how to take your Granddad’s oversized blazer and style it in fifteen different ways. A lot of her styling comes from the idea of reusing things in your closet in different ways, and in turn, being part of the solution to the fast fashion industry. If you happen upon her Instagram page, you’re sure to fall in love with her instantaneously. Not only is her eye for fashion impeccable, but she’s also put her compassion for world issues at the forefront of her content. She isn’t just here to inspire your next outfit and mood board, but also to fight for what she believes is matters.

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coffee with a creative: an initiative to showcase creators around the globe!

That was where the idea for “coffee with a creative” came from. As a creative, I’ve been surrounded by so many other creative people. So many humans with talents beyond measure and hearts so big…and so many of them deserve the world. So “coffee with a creative” came from me wanting to showcase these creatives…to shed light on their talents and hopefully help others discover them too.

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19 things i've learned in 2019

2019 has been a year. It has flown by and taken so much out of me…and it’s not even over yet. That being said, I’ve also learned a lot this year. I’ve learned a lot about myself, about other people, and about my surroundings and my future. I almost feel like a new person because of everything 2019 has taught me. I thought I’d share my list here, and maybe some of you have learned the same things or needed to hear some of what I’ve learned. Either way, here it goes!

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When somebody dies, you get every person in your life telling you that. They say that over time, you’ll feel better. They also say things like “your dad loved you,” as if I didn’t already know that. I know that sometimes it is people’s initial reactions and they don’t know what else to say…but trust me. I don’t need some person that never came over during my dad’s illness to tell me that my dad loved me as if I doubted that.

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easy ways to be sustainable in 2019

I’ve done a post in the past about my favorite make up items, and they all happen to be cruelty-free. Now I wanted to talk to you all about sustainability and give you a few ways you can EASILY reduce your carbon footprint in 2019 and help save our beautiful, incredible planet. All of these are so easy to incorporate into your life, and I encourage you all to make it your resolution to try to use at least three of them (only if you have the resources of course because I do recognize that being able to live sustainably is a privilege). In the long run, switching to some of these items or changing certain parts of your life can save you a lot of money and time AND it helps our sweet Mother Earth.

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film + tv recommendations: october

There is nothing I love like talking to others about film and giving them recommendations for things to watch. I wait anxiously for friends to reply after they’ve watched a film or tv show I love so that I can hear their responses and see if they thought the same thing as me. I love hashing out different opinions on the things we’ve watched, and I love discussing the technicalities of scenes. So, because of that, I decided to start doing monthly recommendations of film and television for you all to watch! I’ve included a short description on why I loved the film or show, and a little tidbit on what types of film and tv watchers would like it. The categories are broken up into films I saw in a theater, shows, and films you can stream, and then films from mine and Noah’s personal collection—these tend to be older films or ones that have been out for a while and I just love!

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room makeover: senior year edition

With a new year of school comes a new home to live in. For senior year I decided to go a little more upscale—choosing to live with roommates in an apartment complex owned by our school. It’s a lot more space, and a much more grown-up feel than the last place I lived. However, it is also incredibly modern and gray. I had to find many different ways to liven it up, and I wanted to share it on here in case anybody needed a little inspiration.

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picking up where i left off

In 2014 I decided to start a blog. It had been a year since I started studying fashion and I was convinced it was the next step in my career. At the time, my dad had also been fighting his battle with cancer and I thought that it was a good way to express myself. I was hoping that it could distract me from reality while simultaneously serving its purpose as a diary for my creativity. 

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