coffee with a creative: an initiative to showcase creators around the globe!

my beautiful logo was created by my most treasured friend, amanda curran.

my beautiful logo was created by my most treasured friend, amanda curran.

Social media is strange. It is especially strange when you’re trying to utilize it as a form of expression or even a career. I feel like it’s easy to get caught up in only posting about yourself and this manufactured life you’ve created for yourself. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not trying to pretend that its bad. I don’t blame you! We all want to showcase ourselves to others as this…person we have in our head. And social media allows us to do that! I supposed I’ve been struggling with that reality though. I’ve been trying to find the middle ground between showcasing my fashion and life, but also using my social media for something that matters.

That was where the idea for “coffee with a creative” came from. As a creative, I’ve been surrounded by so many other creative people. So many humans with talents beyond measure and hearts so big…and so many of them deserve the world. So “coffee with a creative” came from me wanting to showcase these creatives…to shed light on their talents and hopefully help others discover them too.

So every week I will be posting an interview with a creative I know, or have recently discovered. These are writers and filmmakers and fashion bloggers and youtubers and artists and more. They come from all over the globe and I want to share their talents with you and lift up their voices. These interviews are conducted online at the moment, but they’re meant to seem like a conversation over coffee. A way to get to know these creatives in a relaxed setting. My hope is to eventually explore “coffee with a creative” as a short documentary series, but COVID-19 and money get in the way of that at the moment. Eventually though, that is my plan.

Another element of the “coffee” part of this interview series is that I’ve created a Ko-Fi account for it. Ko-Fi is a place for creatives to post their work and garner financial support. I’ve created it under the “coffee with a creative” name, but the donations will not go towards me. These donations will be gifted to the creatives I interview each week, and you can leave a message to them through your donation as well. You can donate however much you’d like, whether that be just to buy them a coffee or drink, or more. I promise that these donations WILL go to the creators you list, and that is a promise I will keep.

Here is the link to the Ko-Fi:

So thank you all for reading about this series and I look forward to bringing you my first interview within the week!

xx Liv