19 things i've learned in 2019


2019 has been a year. It has flown by and taken so much out of me…and it’s not even over yet. That being said, I’ve also learned a lot this year. I’ve learned a lot about myself, about other people, and about my surroundings and my future. I almost feel like a new person because of everything 2019 has taught me. I thought I’d share my list here, and maybe some of you have learned the same things or needed to hear some of what I’ve learned. Either way, here it goes!

  1. Appreciate your little achievements. Your end goal won’t happen overnight, and you cannot force it to. Just remember to focus on the small things you’ve done, and how they’ll all lead up to that final goal.

  2. Some people will believe the worst in you, and there isn’t anything you can do about it. You can be honest, but they still might never believe you. Let those people go.

  3. Similarly, some people aren’t meant to be in your life forever. I read this incredibly cheesy quote about how life is an elevator. Some people get on and others get off. It is part of life, and those that have left have done what they were meant to do.

  4. Enjoy the moment you’re in. Don’t dwell on the future moments. I’ll admit, this one I still struggle with.

  5. It is okay to be a little selfish. You deserve what you want, and you cannot push your own desires away to make others come true. Take some time to focus on you.

  6. Kindness isn’t innate in everybody. There are many people that will never know the word, let alone how to show it.

  7. Eating macaroni and cheese might not change what’s happening, but it’ll make you feel a lot better.

  8. Get the mental health help you need. It’s okay to say you’re not okay, but its also okay to spend a day in your bed away from it all. Do what will heal you.

  9. Spend time with those you love. Spend so much time with them that you might feel exhausted. It’s worth it, I promise.

  10. Definitely travel to another country to visit your best friends. It’ll be the best decision you make and you’ll fall in love with another city.

  11. You’re allowed to make mistakes.

  12. Getting the motivation to go to the gym is hard.

  13. Buy that coffee just to sit in that super cute coffee shop. Nobody is judging you for it. Live your life!

  14. It’s okay if there are setbacks. Embrace them and spin them into something good.

  15. Adopt a kitten. He’ll take care of you just as much as you take care of him.

  16. Stop making excuse for other people’s bad behavior. Cut that toxicity out of your life.

  17. Go to the library more often and check out multiple books. You may never read them all, but you’ll at least get to two of them. It’ll be good for you.

  18. Be your own hero. People aren’t going to stick up for you like you hope they would. You can only trust yourself to do that.

  19. Always have hope. Without it, what else do you have?